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  1. statemap.icn          table of states and abbreviations
  2. prockind.icn                 produce code according to kind of procedure
  3. commaize.icn                              add commas to real or integers
  4. adlutils.icn                      process address lists
  5. rewrap.icn                                advanced line rewrap utility
  6. soundex1.icn                      Soundex algorithm
  7. ansi.icn                                  ANSI-based terminal control
  8. pdae.icn               programmer-defined argument evaluation
  9. complex.icn               perform complex arithmetic
  10. largint.icn                 large integer arithmetic
  11. rational.icn                              arithmetic on rational numbers
  12. colmize.icn                               arrange data into columns
  13. progary.icn            place program in a array
  14. array.icn                   n-dimensional arrays
  15. asciinam.icn                              ASCII name of unprintable character
  16. ebcdic.icn                convert between ASCII and EBCDIC
  17. tclass.icn             classify values as atomic or composite
  18. slashbal.icn       balanced scanning with backslash escaping
  19. slshupto.icn           upto scanning with backslash escaping
  20. slashbal.icn                              balanced scanning with backslash escaping
  21. gettext.icn          gettext (simple text-base routines)
  22. ansi.icn                             ANSI-based terminal control
  23. ibench.icn                   support Icon benchmarking
  24. ebcdic.icn                        convert between ASCII and EBCDIC
  25. ispf.icn                      communicate between Icon and ISPF
  26. rexx.icn                      communicate between Icon and Rexx
  27. bincvt.icn                        convert binary data
  28. binocoef.icn                              binomial coefficient
  29. mapbit.icn                map string into bit representation
  30. intstr.icn             create string from bits
  31. signed.icn                            put bits into signed integer
  32. unsigned.icn                          put bits unsigned integer
  33. buffer.icn                                buffered input and output
  34. inserts.icn                               build tables with duplicate keys
  35. feval.icn     evaluate string as function call
  36. iftrace.icn           trace Icon function calls
  37. wildcard.icn               UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching
  38. asciinam.icn    ASCII name of unprintable character
  39. inbits.icn           read variable-length characters
  40. outbits.icn         write variable-length characters
  41. strip.icn                           strip characters from a string
  42. ichartp.icn                      a simple chart parser
  43. dif.icn                                   check for differences
  44. tclass.icn                                classify values as atomic or composite
  45. morse.icn         convert string to Morse code
  46. prockind.icn                      produce code according to kind of procedure
  47. soundex.icn               produce Soundex code for name
  48. typecode.icn               produce letter code for Icon type
  49. huffstuf.icn                      huffman coding
  50. binocoef.icn                     binomial coefficient
  51. collate.icn                               collate and decollate strings
  52. printcol.icn                       format columnar data
  53. colmize.icn             arrange data into columns
  54. lcomb.icn               generate lists of combinations
  55. permute.icn                 permutations, combinations, and such
  56. argparse.icn                 parse pseudo-command-line
  57. options.icn                           get command-line options
  58. commaize.icn                          add commas to real or integers
  59. stripcom.icn                        strip comments out of Icon line
  60. gcd.icn                  compute greatest common denominator
  61. ispf.icn                                  communicate between Icon and ISPF
  62. rexx.icn                                  communicate between Icon and Rexx
  63. complete.icn                              complete partial input string
  64. fullimag.icn                      produce complete image of structured data
  65. complex.icn                       perform complex arithmetic
  66. tclass.icn   classify values as atomic or composite
  67. math.icn             perform mathematical computations
  68. factorl.icn                               computing factorials
  69. everycat.icn               generating all concatenations
  70. parscond.icn                              condense parse tree
  71. allof.icn                                 conjunction control operation
  72. allof.icn                     conjunction control operation
  73. ansi.icn              ANSI-based terminal control
  74. pdco.icn               programmer-defined control operations
  75. hexcvt.icn                    hexadecimal conversion
  76. radcon.icn                          radix conversion
  77. real2int.icn      various real-to-integer conversions
  78. bincvt.icn                                convert binary data
  79. ebcdic.icn                                convert between ASCII and EBCDIC
  80. ivalue.icn                                convert string to Icon value
  81. morse.icn                                 convert string to Morse code
  82. numbers.icn                    format and convert numbers
  83. fcopy.icn                                 copy a file
  84. intstr.icn                                create string from bits
  85. twt.icn                                   create two-way table
  86. readtbl.icn                     read user-created stripsgml table
  87. currency.icn                       format currency
  88. isort.icn                                 customizable sorting
  89. bincvt.icn                 convert binary data
  90. codeobj.icn        encode and decode Icon data
  91. colmize.icn                       arrange data into columns
  92. fullimag.icn complete image of structured data
  93. printcol.icn              format columnar data
  94. ximage.icn        produce string image of data
  95. calendat.icn                          get date from Julian Day Number
  96. date.icn                          produce date
  97. datetime.icn                              date manipulation
  98. calendat.icn         get date from Julian Day Number
  99. julian.icn                 produce Julian Day Number
  100. full13th.icn                         give days when a full moon occurs on
  101. packunpk.icn       pack and unpack packed-decimal strings
  102. codeobj.icn                    encode and decode Icon data
  103. object.icn                     encode and decode Icon values
  104. collate.icn                   collate and decollate strings
  105. pdae.icn                       programmer-defined argument evaluation
  106. pdco.icn                       programmer-defined control operations
  107. gcd.icn           compute greatest common denominator
  108. dif.icn                         check for differences
  109. array.icn                               n-dimensional arrays
  110. distance.icn        compute distance in n-dimensional space
  111. filedim.icn                  compute file dimensions
  112. gdl.icn                               get directory list 
  113. distance.icn                      compute distance in n-dimensional space
  114. gauss.icn                compute Gaussian distributions
  115. dosfiles.icn                       get MS-DOS file names
  116. iolib.icn       termlib-type tools for MS-DOS and UNIX
  117. itlibdos.icn       termlib-type tools (MS-DOS version)
  118. inserts.icn             build tables with duplicate keys
  119. ebcdic.icn      convert between ASCII and EBCDIC
  120. jumpque.icn                          jump element to head of queue
  121. getpaths.icn                     generate elements in path environment variable
  122. lmap.icn                         map list elements
  123. lpermute.icn                      permute elements in a list
  124. bold.icn                                  enbolden and underscore text
  125. codeobj.icn                               encode and decode Icon data
  126. object.icn                                encode and decode Icon values
  127. plural.icn              produce plural of English noun
  128. saytime.icn           produce the time in English
  129. getpaths.icn    generate elements in path environment variable
  130. escape.icn         interpret Icon literal escapes
  131. slashbal.icn nced scanning with backslash escaping
  132. slshupto.icn upto scanning with backslash escaping
  133. feval.icn                                 evaluate string as function call
  134. pdae.icn      programmer-defined argument evaluation
  135. findre.icn                   find regular expression
  136. regexp.icn                        regular expression pattern matching
  137. factorl.icn                     computing factorials
  138. dosfiles.icn                   get MS-DOS file names
  139. fcopy.icn                          copy a file
  140. filedim.icn                       compute file dimensions
  141. filename.icn                        parse file names
  142. filetext.icn                    read text file into a list
  143. getkeys.icn        get keys for a gettext file
  144. sentence.icn        generate sentences in file
  145. tempname.icn                get temporary file name
  146. findre.icn                                find regular expression
  147. nxtprime.icn                              find the next prime
  148. patword.icn                               find letter patterns
  149. currency.icn                              format currency
  150. numbers.icn                               format and convert numbers
  151. printcol.icn                              format columnar data
  152. printf.icn                   printf-style formatting
  153. full13th.icn             give days when a full moon occurs on
  154. feval.icn              evaluate string as function call
  155. ifncs.icn                    wrappers for function tracing
  156. iftrace.icn                    trace Icon function calls
  157. hyperbol.icn                   hyperbolic functions
  158. iscreen.icn                        screen functions
  159. usage.icn                         service functions
  160. gauss.icn                         compute Gaussian distributions
  161. gener.icn                                 generate miscellaneous sequences
  162. getpaths.icn                              generate elements in path environment variable
  163. lcomb.icn                                 generate lists of combinations
  164. ngrams.icn                                generate n-grams
  165. phoname.icn                               generate letters for phone numbers
  166. ranseq.icn                                generate all integers over a range, randomly
  167. senten1.icn                               generate sentences
  168. sentence.icn                              generate sentences in file
  169. everycat.icn                              generating all concatenations
  170. irandom.icn   randomize the random number generator
  171. gmean.icn                         compute geometric mean
  172. getchlib.icn                              getch for Unix
  173. adjuncts.icn                              gettext and idxtext
  174. getkeys.icn                get keys for a gettext file
  175. gettext.icn                               gettext (simple text-base routines)
  176. full13th.icn                              give days when a full moon occurs on
  177. ngrams.icn                     generate n-grams
  178. glabels.icn                       produce graph ticks
  179. gcd.icn                           compute greatest common denominator
  180. jumpque.icn               jump element to head of queue
  181. hexcvt.icn                                hexadecimal conversion
  182. hostname.icn                      produce host name
  183. huffstuf.icn                              huffman coding
  184. hyperbol.icn                              hyperbolic functions
  185. codeobj.icn             encode and decode Icon data
  186. escape.icn                      interpret Icon literal escapes
  187. ibench.icn                        support Icon benchmarking
  188. identity.icn       produce identities for Icon types
  189. iftrace.icn                         trace Icon function calls
  190. image.icn               produce images of Icon values
  191. ipause.icn                pause within an Icon program
  192. ispf.icn              communicate between Icon and ISPF
  193. ivalue.icn              convert string to Icon value
  194. object.icn              encode and decode Icon values
  195. rexx.icn              communicate between Icon and Rexx
  196. seqimage.icn      produce string image of Icon result sequence
  197. snapshot.icn             show snapshot of Icon string scanning
  198. stripcom.icn        strip comments out of Icon line
  199. typecode.icn      produce letter code for Icon type
  200. version.icn                       produce Icon version number
  201. identity.icn                      produce identities for Icon types
  202. adjuncts.icn                  gettext and idxtext
  203. fullimag.icn             produce complete image of structured data
  204. seqimage.icn               produce string image of Icon result sequence
  205. ximage.icn                 produce string image of data
  206. image.icn                         produce images of Icon values
  207. buffer.icn                       buffered input and output
  208. complete.icn             complete partial input string
  209. tab2list.icn                              insert tab-separated strings in list
  210. tab2rec.icn                               insert tab-separated strings in records
  211. largint.icn                         large integer arithmetic
  212. real2int.icn              various real-to-integer conversions
  213. signed.icn           put bits into signed integer
  214. unsigned.icn            put bits unsigned integer
  215. commaize.icn        add commas to real or integers
  216. ranseq.icn                   generate all integers over a range, randomly
  217. escape.icn                                interpret Icon literal escapes
  218. ispf.icn     communicate between Icon and ISPF
  219. calendat.icn                get date from Julian Day Number
  220. julian.icn                        produce Julian Day Number
  221. jumpque.icn                               jump element to head of queue
  222. getkeys.icn                           get keys for a gettext file
  223. inserts.icn   build tables with duplicate keys
  224. prockind.icn    produce code according to kind of procedure
  225. largint.icn                               large integer arithmetic
  226. lastname.icn                      produce last name
  227. inbits.icn                  read variable-length characters
  228. outbits.icn                write variable-length characters
  229. patword.icn                          find letter patterns
  230. typecode.icn                      produce letter code for Icon type
  231. phoname.icn                      generate letters for phone numbers
  232. matchlib.icn                              lexical matching
  233. patch.icn                            UNIX-like patch(1)
  234. shquote.icn           quote word for UNIX-like shells
  235. wildcard.icn                         UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching
  236. argparse.icn         parse pseudo-command-line
  237. options.icn                   get command-line options
  238. rewrap.icn                       advanced line rewrap utility
  239. stripcom.icn   strip comments out of Icon line
  240. readline.icn               read and write lines in pieces
  241. wrap.icn                      wrap output lines
  242. filetext.icn        read text file into a list
  243. gdl.icn                     get directory list 
  244. list2tab.icn                        write list as tab-separated string
  245. lmap.icn                              map list elements
  246. lpermute.icn        permute elements in a list
  247. tab2list.icn ert tab-separated strings in list
  248. xrotate.icn              rotate values in list or record
  249. adlutils.icn              process address lists
  250. lcomb.icn                        generate lists of combinations
  251. lscan.icn     quasi scanning routines for lists
  252. escape.icn                 interpret Icon literal escapes
  253. longstr.icn                         match longest string
  254. datetime.icn                         date manipulation
  255. matrix.icn                         matrix manipulation
  256. tblset.icn            set-theoretic table manipulation
  257. tblutil.icn                         table manipulation
  258. lmap.icn                                  map list elements
  259. mapbit.icn                                map string into bit representation
  260. longstr.icn                               match longest string
  261. matchlib.icn                      lexical matching
  262. patterns.icn        SNOBOL4-style pattern matching
  263. regexp.icn     regular expression pattern matching
  264. wildcard.icn  UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching
  265. stripunb.icn             strip unbalanced material
  266. math.icn                          perform mathematical computations
  267. matrix.icn                                matrix manipulation
  268. gmean.icn               compute geometric mean
  269. gener.icn                        generate miscellaneous sequences
  270. full13th.icn        give days when a full moon occurs on
  271. pom.icn              compute phase of the moon
  272. morse.icn               convert string to Morse code
  273. dosfiles.icn                          get MS-DOS file names
  274. iolib.icn          termlib-type tools for MS-DOS and UNIX
  275. itlibdos.icn          termlib-type tools (MS-DOS version)
  276. array.icn                                 n-dimensional arrays
  277. distance.icn          compute distance in n-dimensional space
  278. ngrams.icn                       generate n-grams
  279. tuple.icn                         process n-tuples
  280. asciinam.icn                        ASCII name of unprintable character
  281. hostname.icn                 produce host name
  282. lastname.icn                 produce last name
  283. namepfx.icn     produce prefix portion of name
  284. procname.icn                      produce name of procedure
  285. soundex.icn      produce Soundex code for name
  286. tempname.icn           get temporary file name
  287. title.icn        produce title portion of name
  288. dosfiles.icn              get MS-DOS file names
  289. filename.icn                   parse file names
  290. nxtprime.icn                     find the next prime
  291. popen.icn              pipes for Unix and non-Unix systems
  292. plural.icn      produce plural of English noun
  293. calendat.icn     get date from Julian Day Number
  294. irandom.icn          randomize the random number generator
  295. julian.icn             produce Julian Day Number
  296. randreal.icn         randomly select real number in range
  297. version.icn          produce Icon version number
  298. numbers.icn            format and convert numbers
  299. phoname.icn    generate letters for phone numbers
  300. rational.icn       arithmetic on rational numbers
  301. full13th.icn   give days when a full moon occurs on
  302. allof.icn             conjunction control operation
  303. pdco.icn       programmer-defined control operations
  304. structs.icn                     structure operations
  305. options.icn              get command-line options
  306. buffer.icn             buffered input and output
  307. wrap.icn                             wrap output lines
  308. ranseq.icn          generate all integers over a range, randomly
  309. packunpk.icn                              pack and unpack packed-decimal strings
  310. packunpk.icn              pack and unpack packed-decimal strings
  311. argparse.icn                              parse pseudo-command-line
  312. filename.icn                              parse file names
  313. parscond.icn                     condense parse tree
  314. ichartp.icn                a simple chart parser
  315. complete.icn                     complete partial input string
  316. patch.icn                       UNIX-like patch(1)
  317. getpaths.icn         generate elements in path environment variable
  318. patterns.icn                SNOBOL4-style pattern matching
  319. regexp.icn             regular expression pattern matching
  320. wildcard.icn          UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching
  321. patword.icn                   find letter patterns
  322. ipause.icn                                pause within an Icon program
  323. permute.icn                               permutations, combinations, and such
  324. lpermute.icn                              permute elements in a list
  325. pom.icn                           compute phase of the moon
  326. phoname.icn          generate letters for phone numbers
  327. readline.icn      read and write lines in pieces
  328. popen.icn                                 pipes for Unix and non-Unix systems
  329. progary.icn                               place program in a array
  330. plural.icn                        produce plural of English noun
  331. namepfx.icn                produce prefix portion of name
  332. title.icn                   produce title portion of name
  333. namepfx.icn                       produce prefix portion of name
  334. nxtprime.icn                find the next prime
  335. printf.icn                                printf-style formatting
  336. prockind.icn ce code according to kind of procedure
  337. procname.icn              produce name of procedure
  338. scanset.icn        set up string scanning procedures
  339. adlutils.icn                              process address lists
  340. tuple.icn                                 process n-tuples
  341. ipause.icn           pause within an Icon program
  342. progary.icn                         place program in a array
  343. pdae.icn                                  programmer-defined argument evaluation
  344. pdco.icn                                  programmer-defined control operations
  345. argparse.icn                        parse pseudo-command-line
  346. lscan.icn                                 quasi scanning routines for lists
  347. jumpque.icn       jump element to head of queue
  348. shquote.icn                               quote word for UNIX-like shells
  349. radcon.icn                                radix conversion
  350. irandom.icn                 randomize the random number generator
  351. irandom.icn                               randomize the random number generator
  352. randreal.icn                              randomly select real number in range
  353. ranseq.icn   e all integers over a range, randomly
  354. randreal.icn ndomly select real number in range
  355. ranseq.icn   generate all integers over a range, randomly
  356. rational.icn                arithmetic on rational numbers
  357. filetext.icn                              read text file into a list
  358. inbits.icn                                read variable-length characters
  359. readline.icn                              read and write lines in pieces
  360. readtbl.icn                               read user-created stripsgml table
  361. commaize.icn                add commas to real or integers
  362. randreal.icn              randomly select real number in range
  363. real2int.icn                      various real-to-integer conversions
  364. recog.icn                                 recognition
  365. rec2tab.icn                         write record as tab-separated string
  366. xrotate.icn      rotate values in list or record
  367. tab2rec.icn  ert tab-separated strings in records
  368. findre.icn                           find regular expression
  369. regexp.icn                                regular expression pattern matching
  370. mapbit.icn            map string into bit representation
  371. seqimage.icn produce string image of Icon result sequence
  372. rewrap.icn                  advanced line rewrap utility
  373. rexx.icn     communicate between Icon and Rexx
  374. xrotate.icn                               rotate values in list or record
  375. gettext.icn     gettext (simple text-base routines)
  376. lscan.icn                  quasi scanning routines for lists
  377. lscan.icn                           quasi scanning routines for lists
  378. scanset.icn                 set up string scanning procedures
  379. slashbal.icn                     balanced scanning with backslash escaping
  380. slshupto.icn                         upto scanning with backslash escaping
  381. snapshot.icn show snapshot of Icon string scanning
  382. iscreen.icn                               screen functions
  383. segment.icn                               segment string
  384. randreal.icn                     randomly select real number in range
  385. senten1.icn                      generate sentences
  386. sentence.icn                     generate sentences in file
  387. list2tab.icn            write list as tab-separated string
  388. rec2tab.icn           write record as tab-separated string
  389. tab2list.icn                   insert tab-separated strings in list
  390. tab2rec.icn                    insert tab-separated strings in records
  391. seqimage.icn  string image of Icon result sequence
  392. gener.icn          generate miscellaneous sequences
  393. usage.icn                                 service functions
  394. scanset.icn                               set up string scanning procedures
  395. tblset.icn                                set-theoretic table manipulation
  396. titleset.icn                      produce set of titles
  397. varsub.icn                   perform UNIX-shell-style variable substitution
  398. shquote.icn      quote word for UNIX-like shells
  399. snapshot.icn                              show snapshot of Icon string scanning
  400. shuffle.icn                               shuffle values
  401. signed.icn                  put bits into signed integer
  402. gettext.icn                      gettext (simple text-base routines)
  403. ichartp.icn                             a simple chart parser
  404. snapshot.icn                         show snapshot of Icon string scanning
  405. patterns.icn                              SNOBOL4-style pattern matching
  406. isort.icn                    customizable sorting
  407. soundex.icn                       produce Soundex code for name
  408. soundex1.icn                              Soundex algorithm
  409. distance.icn te distance in n-dimensional space
  410. statemap.icn                     table of states and abbreviations
  411. complete.icn       complete partial input string
  412. feval.icn                        evaluate string as function call
  413. intstr.icn                         create string from bits
  414. ivalue.icn                        convert string to Icon value
  415. list2tab.icn  write list as tab-separated string
  416. longstr.icn                 match longest string
  417. mapbit.icn                            map string into bit representation
  418. morse.icn                         convert string to Morse code
  419. rec2tab.icn  rite record as tab-separated string
  420. scanset.icn                        set up string scanning procedures
  421. segment.icn                       segment string
  422. seqimage.icn                      produce string image of Icon result sequence
  423. snapshot.icn        show snapshot of Icon string scanning
  424. strings.icn                               string utilities
  425. strip.icn         strip characters from a string
  426. ximage.icn                        produce string image of data
  427. collate.icn         collate and decollate strings
  428. packunpk.icn ck and unpack packed-decimal strings
  429. tab2list.icn         insert tab-separated strings in list
  430. tab2rec.icn          insert tab-separated strings in records
  431. strip.icn                                 strip characters from a string
  432. stripcom.icn                              strip comments out of Icon line
  433. stripunb.icn                              strip unbalanced material
  434. readtbl.icn             read user-created stripsgml table
  435. structs.icn                               structure operations
  436. fullimag.icn    produce complete image of structured data
  437. patterns.icn                      SNOBOL4-style pattern matching
  438. printf.icn                         printf-style formatting
  439. varsub.icn             perform UNIX-shell-style variable substitution
  440. varsub.icn   rm UNIX-shell-style variable substitution
  441. ibench.icn                                support Icon benchmarking
  442. popen.icn     pipes for Unix and non-Unix systems
  443. list2tab.icn                write list as tab-separated string
  444. rec2tab.icn               write record as tab-separated string
  445. tab2list.icn                       insert tab-separated strings in list
  446. tab2rec.icn                        insert tab-separated strings in records
  447. readtbl.icn   read user-created stripsgml table
  448. statemap.icn                              table of states and abbreviations
  449. tblset.icn                  set-theoretic table manipulation
  450. tblutil.icn                               table manipulation
  451. twt.icn                    create two-way table
  452. inserts.icn                         build tables with duplicate keys
  453. tempname.icn                          get temporary file name
  454. ansi.icn                       ANSI-based terminal control
  455. iolib.icn                                 termlib-type tools for MS-DOS and UNIX
  456. itlib.icn                                 termlib-type tools
  457. itlibdos.icn                              termlib-type tools (MS-DOS version)
  458. bold.icn          enbolden and underscore text
  459. filetext.icn                         read text file into a list
  460. gettext.icn               gettext (simple text-base routines)
  461. tblset.icn                            set-theoretic table manipulation
  462. glabels.icn                 produce graph ticks
  463. saytime.icn                   produce the time in English
  464. title.icn                         produce title portion of name
  465. titleset.icn               produce set of titles
  466. iolib.icn                    termlib-type tools for MS-DOS and UNIX
  467. itlib.icn                    termlib-type tools
  468. itlibdos.icn                 termlib-type tools (MS-DOS version)
  469. iftrace.icn                               trace Icon function calls
  470. ifncs.icn           wrappers for function tracing
  471. parscond.icn               condense parse tree
  472. tuple.icn                       process n-tuples
  473. twt.icn                            create two-way table
  474. iolib.icn                         termlib-type tools for MS-DOS and UNIX
  475. itlib.icn                         termlib-type tools
  476. itlibdos.icn                      termlib-type tools (MS-DOS version)
  477. typecode.icn produce letter code for Icon type
  478. identity.icn  produce identities for Icon types
  479. stripunb.icn                        strip unbalanced material
  480. bold.icn                     enbolden and underscore text
  481. getchlib.icn                    getch for Unix
  482. iolib.icn    ib-type tools for MS-DOS and UNIX
  483. patch.icn                                 UNIX-like patch(1)
  484. popen.icn                       pipes for Unix and non-Unix systems
  485. popen.icn          pipes for Unix and non-Unix systems
  486. shquote.icn                quote word for UNIX-like shells
  487. varsub.icn                        perform UNIX-shell-style variable substitution
  488. wildcard.icn                              UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching
  489. packunpk.icn                     pack and unpack packed-decimal strings
  490. asciinam.icn                ASCII name of unprintable character
  491. unsigned.icn                     put bits unsigned integer
  492. scanset.icn                           set up string scanning procedures
  493. slshupto.icn                              upto scanning with backslash escaping
  494. readtbl.icn                          read user-created stripsgml table
  495. strings.icn                        string utilities
  496. rewrap.icn           advanced line rewrap utility
  497. ivalue.icn         convert string to Icon value
  498. image.icn          produce images of Icon values
  499. object.icn         encode and decode Icon values
  500. shuffle.icn                       shuffle values
  501. tclass.icn                       classify values as atomic or composite
  502. xrotate.icn                        rotate values in list or record
  503. getpaths.icn elements in path environment variable
  504. inbits.icn                           read variable-length characters
  505. outbits.icn                         write variable-length characters
  506. varsub.icn       perform UNIX-shell-style variable substitution
  507. real2int.icn                              various real-to-integer conversions
  508. itlibdos.icn   termlib-type tools (MS-DOS version)
  509. version.icn                  produce Icon version number
  510. twt.icn                        create two-way table
  511. full13th.icn                    give days when a full moon occurs on
  512. wildcard.icn                    UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching
  513. inserts.icn                  build tables with duplicate keys
  514. slashbal.icn            balanced scanning with backslash escaping
  515. slshupto.icn                upto scanning with backslash escaping
  516. ipause.icn                          pause within an Icon program
  517. shquote.icn                         quote word for UNIX-like shells
  518. wrap.icn                                  wrap output lines
  519. ifncs.icn                                 wrappers for function tracing
  520. list2tab.icn                              write list as tab-separated string
  521. outbits.icn                               write variable-length characters
  522. readline.icn                     read and write lines in pieces
  523. rec2tab.icn                               write record as tab-separated string